Saturday, 18 February 2012

Day 49 - Until we meet again

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I've no idea why these two set off in different directions. Still, some sun, water and sea, as well as a little mystery all make for a great set of subjects.

Day 48 - Get your rocks

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I was looking to shoot a desktop wallpaper and this bit was part of one pic. However, upon closer inspection and after cropping to this, you can make out little bits of water springing up in the air here and there. I like the added movement of the rest of the water too.

Day 47 - Knock, Knock

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It does make you wonder, right? :)

Day 46 - Say Cheese

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I found this little fella on the prowl in a Roman Centurion's barracks. Looks like he's had his legs broken for this kind of carry on before!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Day 45 - Roses are Red

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I had a challenge today to grab a Valentines related Tube photo. I had literally forgotten all about this until I looked up from Spotify on my phone, on my last Tube journey of the evening, and spotted this fantastic contrast of skulls and roses. Now you could read into this a warning from a skull (and usually crossbones) versus the age old symbol of love and beauty. Put together and contrasted by monochrome versus vivd red, this was a pic I just loved.
Posted with the very kind permission of the owner!
Happy Valentines Day :)

Day 44 - Signage

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Moving through this month and trying to stick to a Tube theme brings home how much you look at signs on the Tube. It seems most minutes in stations or on the trains are spent looking at signage. Obvious place for advertisement - maybe an opportunity to start grabbing some abstract photos? Worth a look I think :)

Day 43 - Tossed aside

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A perfect metaphor for life today. Disposable, useless, move on. Captured in one pic.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Day 42 - Hurry up and wait

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A picture is worth a thousand words :) Four worked.

Day 41 - Shine

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Just about perspective. And light. Apparently.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Day 40 - Nightlife

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A bitterly cold evening in London and the snow started falling again. I'm finding I am quite liking the classic look you get from black and white photography. Even though the wife has been talking about this subject for some time, I didn't think I was that interested. Actually taking some shots and converting them to monochrome helps you understand how important it is to work from a properly exposed shot; something I need to practice on. This well known pathway from Gunnersbury station (I've walked it daily over the course of a year now more or less) was quite good for a pic. The cover in the foreground means snow starts a little way away from the exit, and the wet footprints contrast brilliantly. The leading lines of path, wall and fence lead the eye in to starbursts of light surrounded by snowfall. Simples.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Day 39 - Close

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Tube is subject of the month; so I feel only slightly less guilty taking a pic of a bus stop of the same name as the Tube station is close by. Quintessential London street view, added to by small aperture starbursts and monochrome makeover. Next? :)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Day 38 - Contemplation

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One of those quiet evenings just prior to jumping on the tube home. This had the classic parisian look for me (having lived there for a bit). Little things.

Day 37 - Don't panic

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There's nothing quite as bad as reaching the station and realising all copies of the Metro have gone missing. Seriously, Londoners, have some compassion for a visiting country boy and leave some for us? My day is just not the same without it.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Day 36 - Tracking

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Odd one this - the abstract nature of it just appealed to me. Not everyone's cup of tea but it is what it is!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Day 35 - Still moving

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Never one to let the fact I am in Wales and miles from the Tube (feature of the month) get in the way, my faithful hound Tia puts her best foot forward to assist with today's shot. A Smattering of snow, first of the season, and a reasonably cool night gave me this shot. Easy pickings :)

Friday, 3 February 2012

Day 34 - Mind the Gap

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It really is funny the amount of things you take pictures of and consequently, what you begin to see around you. I'm enjoying this :) Patters, layers, shapes, texture; this pic just had a lot of stuff for me. Add the two seemingly ghostly footprints at the edge and I just had to use this. No Tube at the weekends, what to fill my pictures with? Hmm....

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Day 33 - Judgement

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I think I have finally come to a ruling - this month's collection of snaps should be all things Tube related. This will most likely give me a headache about 3 days in but it will also make me think outside the box (I am hoping). I will certainly have to remain observant and see what I can find.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Day 32 - The Journey

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For the first time in this project, the Day numbered in the title doesn't correspond to the date. It kind of feels like a step into the the journey continues into the remainder of the year now counted by number and not date. Affirmation I suppose that we're on the way.
The journey back to the hotel this evening is at least better known and this sign above the steps into Paddington Station on Praed Street caught my attention. Simple, classic, pop icon. It needed little treatment and it's got pride of place as Day 32's image. Next stop....