Monday, 9 January 2012

Day 9 - Full moon

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There's always something quite spectacular about the full moon. Whether its the werewolves, giant cheese wheel lookalike or just memories of Button Moon when you look up at it, it's a marvel to behold.
Having forgotten to bring my camera with me on my travels for work, I find myself at a loose end.
Cue Paper Camera; an app available on Android Marketplace. It actually shot this picture for me with a pastel type style. Cheating, sure. However, it's another day ticked off and a harsh reminder not to forget my camera in future! And a quick thanks to my sis CherrySue for the inspiration whilst at my wits end for a pic. See her blog in my favourites list!

1 comment:

  1. I really like this, Bro. Paper Camera you say? Nice :)
